Check out the new Starknet Roundup👇
Based on the summarized content, create a JSON object data with the following properties: {"title", "summary", "description", "bluetags", "deadLineStart", "deadLineEnd"}. However, please follow the conditions below:
The "title" should be limited to a maximum of 30 characters.
The "summary" should be limited to a maximum of 80 characters.
The "description" should contain the entire unsummarized text, but in a readable format with HTML tags. Use "<p><br></p>" for line breaks. If there are any links in the description, please wrap them with the "<a>" tag.
The "bluetags" property should indicate whether the post belongs to a network, event, partnership, or announcement. It should be recorded as an array format with a maximum of two tags, e.g., ["Network", "Event"]. The first letter of each tag should be capitalized.
The "deadLineStart" and "deadLineEnd" properties should be used to specify the start and end dates of an activity if it has a set period. The date format should be in the following format: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+00:00". Please note that the dates should be in UTC time.
If the activity does not have a set period, leave the "deadLineStart" and "deadLineEnd" properties blank.
Additionally, please make sure that the URL inside the <a> tag is wrapped with single quotes ('') instead of double quotes ("")